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Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Virtual Person Explains Search Engine Optimization, Other Marketing Methods

A Tampa SEO company could increase its revenue by using several different marketing methods and a computer technology program in order to help bring in more targeted customers to their clients. An SEO company deals with search engine optimization and can use a virtual video or a virtual person to help explain what search engine optimization is all about and how it can help a business increase their income. A virtual video is a video placed on an Internet website that plays when you click a button or sometimes automatically starts when a person lands on the website. A virtual person walks across the computer screen and talks directly to the person viewing the website. There is nothing to press to get the person to start talking, and sometimes you can right click your mouse in order to stop the virtual video of the person.

Explaining search engine optimization is pretty easy. Search engine optimization begins with the keyword rich article placed on a business’ website in order to attract the three major search engines - MSN, Yahoo!, and Google - that send out “feelers” in order to find these keywords or keyword phrases and then rank the websites according to a special formula. Having a high ranking on the search engines is beneficial to a business’ website because this ranking of websites happens to all websites, including the competition. Keywords or keyword phrases are the words customers use in the search boxes on the search engines in order to find what they are looking for or what they need.

Local search optimization works similar to search engine optimization, except for a geographical designation within the keywords or keyword phrases and the search engine for the local directories rank a website in the local directories in addition to the search engines. Search optimization also uses these keywords and keyword phrases in addition to a special formula in order to rank a website.

Other marketing techniques include article exchanges in which two relevant websites exchange articles to increase both their customer databases and their search engine rankings. For example, a hybrid rental cars company could exchange an article with another eco-friendly business so that both businesses gain more customers to their websites, in addition to increasing their search engine ranking.

Search engine optimization, local search optimization and article exchanges can all be explained through virtual video or virtual person on a website that takes potential clients on a tour of how marketing and advertising works for businesses.

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